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Featured Maldives Grooms
AN143 43 , 5'4", Christian:Catholic, Self Employed / Business from Maldives
Lifepr2313076 61 , 5'5", Muslim:Doesn't matter, Executive from Maldives
LP1666815 39 , 6'2", Muslim, Travel / Hospitality from Maldives
Lifepr6770300 39 , 5'6", Muslim:Sunni, Finance - Accounting / Auditing from Maldives
Lifepr6547245 44 , 5'7", Hindu, Engineering from Maldives
Featured Maldives Brides
IN6890131 26 , 5'11", Hindu:Khatri, Travel / Hospitality from Maldives
IN7357782 37 , 5'4", Hindu:Mudaliar Arcot, Govt. Employee from Maldives
Lifepr1479479 43 , 5', Hindu:Nair, Healthcare & allied services from Maldives

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