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LP3417554's profile

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Personal Details

Age & gender: 30, Female
Marital status: Never married
Children: No
Height: 5ft 3in [160cm]
Complexion: Very fair
Body Type: Average
Manglik: No
Any Disability: None
Religion and Community
Religion: Hindu
Caste: Brahmin Iyer
Community: Tamil
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More about LP3417554

Education & Occupation

Education: Masters
Education details: Masters Economics ANU, Masters Managmenet Harvard
Occupation: Consulting Services
Annual Income: Rs.75 lakhs - 1 crore ($ 100,000 - 150,000)


Current residence: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Residency status: Working permit

Life style

Diet: Veg
Drink: No
Smoke: No

Religious, Social & Astrological information

Religion: Hindu
Caste: Brahmin Iyer
Sub Caste: -
Gothra(m): Agasthya
Mother Tongue: Tamil
Family values: Moderate
Sun sign: Aquarius
Horoscope: Not present
Nakshatram / Star: Moolam / Moola
Rashi / Moon Sign: Dhanus (Sagittarius)

Personality, Long-Term Goals, Partner Expectations, etc

Our daughter was educated in an international school in Singapore and graduated in economics from the University of Buffalo (SIM). She also has a master's in economics from ANU in Canberra and a master's in management from Harvard. She is currently working in Australia (NSW). She is an intelligent, cultured, and smart girl who enjoys travelling, trekking, music, and reading.
She is a permanent resident of Singapore.
We are looking for an equally well-educated boy from a respectable family.

Family Background

We live in Singapore (PR). I have my own Marine Consultancy, and my wife was working as a teacher in an International School. Our Son is an ECE engineer, now an Airline Pilot married and based in Dubai. Daughter-in-law is a Biomedical Engineer now pursuing her career in IT. They are blessed with a daughter.
We hail from Palghat, Kerala, and Tirunelveli. My wife and I were raised in the northern part of India, and our daughter was raised in Singapore. We respect our culture, but we are not orthodox. We are comfortable communicating in Hindi and English at home, and our daughter can understand Tamil.

My desired match

His basic information

Age: 29-34
Marital status: Never married
Children: No
Height: 5ft 7in [170cm]-6ft 2in [187cm]
Complexion: Fair
Body type: Average
Manglik: No

His Education & Occupation

Education: Masters, Doctorate
Occupation: Administrative & Support Services, Advertising, Aerospace, Architectural Services, Aviation, Banking & Financial Services, Civil services, Company Secretary, Consulting Services, Customer Service Professional, Defence, Engineering, Executive, Finance - Accounting / Auditing, IT - Hardware, IT - Software / Telecommunication, Legal Professional, Medical Professionals - Doctors / Surgeons, Self Employed / Business

His Religious and Social Background

Religion/Caste: Hindu
Mother Tongue: No preference
Family values: Moderate

His Life style

Diet: Veg, Eggatarian
Drink: No
Smoke: No

His Location

Preferred country: Australia, New Zealand, Singapore
Preferred state: No preference
Residency status: Citizen, Permanent resident
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