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LP3449287's profile

Personal Details

Age & gender: 38, Male
Marital status: Never married
Children: No
Height: 5ft 9in [175cm]
Complexion: Fair
Body Type: Average
Manglik: Yes
Any Disability: None
Religion and Community
Religion: Hindu
Caste: Jaiswal
Community: Hindi

More about LP3449287

Education & Occupation

Education: Masters
Education details: BSc (CS), MBA(Fin),MSc(Fin)
Occupation: Banking & Financial Services
Annual Income: Rs.35 lakhs - 50 lakhs($ 50,000 - 75,000)


Current residence: Other, Ireland
Residency status: Permanent resident

Life style

Diet: Non-veg
Drink: Occasionally
Smoke: No

Religious, Social & Astrological information

Religion: Hindu
Caste: Jaiswal
Sub Caste: -
Gothra(m): -
Mother Tongue: Hindi
Family values: Moderate
Sun sign: Capricon
Horoscope: Not present
Nakshatram / Star: -
Rashi / Moon Sign: Makara (Capricorn)

Personality, Long-Term Goals, Partner Expectations, etc

Intro: A confident, easy going and enthusiatic person, having poisitive outlook towards life, always eager to learn something new, believe in spreading happiness.

Education & Profession: Graudated with Computer scienece, MBA in Finance, India and MSc in Finance from Ireland, now working with multinational Fund Management company in Ireland, it has been more than 3 years living in Ireland. I love being in Europe as my priority is always to have a good work life balance.

Other info: I like being active in life and I totally echo the quote "Health is Wealth". And I always try to play some or other sports, like recently I learned Rowing in Ireland and participated in few competitions over there.

If you would like to know more and better about me, let's connect.
Happy to talk further.
Thanks for stopping by and all the best for your future patner search, hope you get what you deserve :-)

Family Background

I belong to Jabalpur MP. My parents live there, I have a elder brother and eldest sister. Both siblings are married. My Dad is retired from govt job and my Mom is homemaker.

My desired match

No partner profile specified
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