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Lifepr4933969's profile

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Personal Details

Age & gender: 43, Female
Marital status: Never married
Children: No
Height: 5ft 4in [162cm]
Complexion: Wheatish
Body Type: Slim
Manglik: No
Any Disability: None
Religion and Community
Religion: Hindu
Caste: -
Community: Malayali

More about Lifepr4933969

Education & Occupation

Education: Bachelors
Education details: -
Occupation: IT - Software / Telecommunication
Annual Income: Rs.8,00,001 - 12,00,000


Current residence: Japan
Residency status: Working permit

Life style

Diet: Non-veg
Drink: No
Smoke: No

Religious, Social & Astrological information

Religion: Hindu
Caste: -
Sub Caste: -
Gothra(m): -
Mother Tongue: Malayalam
Family values: Liberal
Sun sign: Aquarius
Horoscope: Not present
Nakshatram / Star: -
Rashi / Moon Sign: -

Personality, Long-Term Goals, Partner Expectations, etc

Would describe myself as being independent and out-going. Like being outdoors as much as I like spending time indoors, with my favorite book or movie. Friendly by nature, but also a little reserved. Always game for a good laugh, even if it means cracking a joke on oneself. Looking for a partner who is like minded, one who isn't judge'mental' and can be a friend for life.

Family Background

A very close knit family of 4. Dad is retired and mom is a housewife. Have one sister, who is happily settled in Hyderabad.

My desired match

No partner profile specified
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