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female4826280's profile

Personal Details

Age & gender: 36, Female
Marital status: Never married
Children: Yes, Living together
Height: 5ft 8in [172cm]
Complexion: Fair
Body Type: Average
Manglik: No
Any Disability: None
Religion and Community
Religion: Sikh
Caste: Clean Shaven
Community: Punjabi

More about female4826280

Education & Occupation

Education: Bachelors
Education details: B.A. from York University, Toronto Ontario
Occupation: Not working at present
Annual Income: Not Working


Current residence: Toronto, Ontario , Canada
Residency status: Citizen

Life style

Diet: Non-veg
Drink: Occasionally
Smoke: No

Religious, Social & Astrological information

Religion: Sikh
Caste: Clean Shaven
Sub Caste: -
Gothra(m): -
Mother Tongue: English
Family values: Moderate
Sun sign: Taurus
Horoscope: Not present
Nakshatram / Star: -
Rashi / Moon Sign: -

Personality, Long-Term Goals, Partner Expectations, etc

High class family. My daughter was never married but she have a girl child 3yrs old. Father never visit the child. Marriage never took place. daughter have full custody of the child. My daughter is in Toronto as she goes to York University. Can be discussed later. She have completed her B.A. (Criminology ) She wants a honest educated person to have happy family life. She is very intelligent and knowledgeable. She speaks english and some Punjabi. But she understand punjabi very well. She is honest, charming and fun loving person. Always happy. Soft spoken. Can adjust in any well to do family. We are looking for a well settled Divorce or Single. Only honest person need to contact me. As it happened before, we are very honest and straight forword people. Please contact me (Mother) Patricia Sawheny. Thank you.

Family Background

We are well Settled family. Mostly doctors in Canada and America. We are from India but my daughter was born in Toronto Canada.

My desired match

His basic information

Age: 32-42
Marital status: Never married, Divorced, Widowed
Children: No preference
Height: 5ft 8in [172cm]-6ft 3in [190cm]
Complexion: No preference
Body type: No preference
Manglik: No preference

His Education & Occupation

Education: No preference
Occupation: No preference

His Religious and Social Background

Religion/Caste: No preference
Mother Tongue: No preference
Family values: No preference

His Life style

Diet: Non-veg
Drink: Occasionally
Smoke: No

His Location

Preferred country: Canada
Preferred state: No preference
Residency status: No preference
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