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nicemale3301777's profile

Personal Details

Age & gender: 33, Male
Marital status: Never married
Children: No
Height: 5ft 7in [170cm]
Complexion: Wheatish
Body Type: Average
Manglik: No
Any Disability: None
Religion and Community
Religion: Hindu
Caste: Agarwal
Community: Marwari

More about nicemale3301777

Education & Occupation

Education: Masters
Education details: Master of Science from NYU
Occupation: IT - Software / Telecommunication
Annual Income: Rs.75 lakhs - 1 crore ($ 100,000 - 150,000)


Current residence: Stamford, Connecticut, USA
Residency status: Working permit

Life style

Diet: Non-veg
Drink: Occasionally
Smoke: No

Religious, Social & Astrological information

Religion: Hindu
Caste: Agarwal
Sub Caste: -
Gothra(m): Mittal
Mother Tongue: Hindi
Family values: Liberal
Sun sign: Taurus
Horoscope: Not present
Nakshatram / Star: Don't Know
Rashi / Moon Sign: Rishabam (Taurus)

Personality, Long-Term Goals, Partner Expectations, etc

I am a true Taurian (sun-sign) in many ways. I like to socialize and my friendly and down-toearth nature helps me with that. I am a sports freak. I have played TT at state level during my school days. In my spare time, I like to go out on adventure trips with friends, watch sports and movies, cook, etc. I am a vegetarian but do eat non-veg occasionally. I am non-smoker and non-alcoholic.
My friends find me smart, confident, dependable and generous. On the values front, you will discover me to be a mix of both traditional and modern.

I am looking for an educated girl who has a career of her own. Career oriented, yet having a
sense of responsibility towards family are traits that I appreciate a lot. Having a great sense of humor and not taking yourself too seriously would be a definite plus. I live in New York, USA and plan to settle here. Hence, I would prefer a girl who is either based out of USA and/or willing to relocate.

Family Background

I come from a liberal family. My father has his own business in Mumbai. He is a trader in the pharmaceutical industry. My home is a homemaker. I also have 2 elder sisters who are both married and settled in Mumbai and Bangalore respectively.

My desired match

Her basic information

Age: 25-30
Marital status: Never married
Children: No
Height: 5ft [152cm]-5ft 7in [170cm]
Complexion: No preference
Body type: No preference
Manglik: No preference

Her Education & Occupation

Education: No preference
Occupation: No preference

Her Religious and Social Background

Religion/Caste: Hindu
Mother Tongue: No preference
Family values: Moderate, Liberal

Her Life style

Diet: No preference
Drink: No preference
Smoke: No

Her Location

Preferred country: No preference
Preferred state: No preference
Residency status: No preference
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